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Public Works and Parks

No Overnight Parking Ad

Please be advised that By-Law No. 20 of 1989 prohibits parking on any street in the Town of Goderich between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. from November 15th to March 15th inclusive. Vehicles are permitted to park overnight in the Lighthouse Street and the Livery parking lots only.

It is an offence under the Highway Traffic Act to push snow onto any roadway. Snow must be placed on your own property, not on neighbouring properties or pushed across the street. Frozen snow piles create a hazard for motorized vehicles.   



Boulevard and Park Trees

The Town is fortunate in having many fine trees throughout the Town, both young and old. All trees that are on the boulevards and in parks are the property of the Town of Goderich. If you wish to have your tree trimmed or removed, please contact Town Hall.

Unfortunately, some residents have been trimming these trees and in some cases have ruined them. It is in violation of By-Law #76 of 89 to trim or cut Town owned trees and is a criminal offence.  

If any residents wish trees planted on their boulevard in front of their business or residence, please watch for the boulevard tree ad that is placed in the Signal Star each spring. These trees are supplied at no cost.  

Parks Garbage Containers

Garbage containers are placed in parks and on streets for the convenience of the taxpayers and parks users to help reduce litter throughout the Town. These containers are not meant for depositing household waste.

Depositing household waste in these containers is in violation of By-Law #1 of 1996. Anyone found depositing household waste in these containers will be dealt with accordingly.


Parks By-Law

Solid Waste Management By-Law

Tree Removal Policy

Work Approval Permit Application