Under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), the public has the right to information about their municipal government, and the information it keeps. The Act also ensures private information is protected and kept confidential. Anyone wishing to obtain information kept by the Town of Goderich should contact Town Hall for information on Freedom of Information Requests.
In most cases, requesters are granted full access to all of the information they asked for. However, the Act contains a number of mandatory and discretionary exemptions which allow the Town to deny access to records containing certain types of information. Mandatory exemptions include:
- someone else's personal information;
- inter-governmental relations;
- information about a third party.
For example, if a record contains someone else's personal information, or other information which was provided to the Town in confidence, the Town will redact this information and you will be provided with a copy of the severed document. The discretionary criteria include:
- Information that may cause danger of health and safety;
- Solicitor-Client privilege;
- Published information;
- Economic or other interests of an individual or company;
- Limitations on access to one's own personal information;
- Draft By-laws;
- Reports and records of closed meetings;
- Legal, consultant advice or recommendations;
- Law Enforcement information.
If we do withhold information under one or more of the exemptions, we will tell you why. All requesters receive a decision letter outlining the decision, the reasons for the decision, the costs, etc. Under the legislation, the Town must respond within 30 calendar days of receipt of your request.