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Animal Services

The Town ensures a safe and healthy environmental for both animals and residents in the community by enforcing the Animal Control By-Law. To report an Animal Control issue, please contact our Municipal Law Enforcement Department.

Dog Licensing

Dog licences are vital in helping with the safe and easy return of your pet, should they go missing. Dog Tags must be purchased before February 28 of each year or a late fee will be charged. Please notify the Town if you no longer have your dog.

Licences expire on the last day of December of each year. Licensing fees are laid out in the Fee By-Law and are outlined below for ease of reference.

Payments may be made in person during business hours via cash, debit or cheque, dopped in the drop box at our office, by mail, or online (instructions below). Please note that we are not able to accept e-transfers. 

If you need to licence your new or existing dog please fill out the fillible Dog Tag Application Form and submit it to our office. 

Dog Tag Fees:
Spayed Female Dog or Neutered Male Dog $20.00
Male Dog or Female Dog  $45.00
Replacement Tag  $10.00
Late Fee after February 28th of each year $20.00

Online Payment Instructions:

  1. Choose bill payments.
  2. Choose the payee (the name of the payee varies depending on the financial institution. Please see below for some examples).
List of Payee Examples:
TD Trust Goderich Town of Taxes
RBC Goderich (Town) Taxes 
CIBC Goderich Tax
Scotia Goderich (Town) Taxes

Goderich, Town of - Taxes 

Central Credit

Goderich, Town – property tax (Mainstreet accounts must begin with 4028 then your phone number)

When asked for the account number use your phone number (banks vary in the number of digits they require – anywhere from 10-15, you may be required to add zeros to the end of your phone number.)

If paying on-line, please email or call 519-524-8344 Ext. 213 to advise that payment has been made.

Nuisance Animals (including Skunks)

The Town had a long standing practice of eradicating skunks.  Up until the spring of 2017, the Town had an individual on contract to deal specifically with skunk complaints.  The Animal Control Officer advised the Town of new provincial legislation that came into effect and force on July 1, 2013, which governs the removal of skunks.  Skunks need to be re-located within 1 km of their capture and the landowner permission is required to release a skunk onto someone else’s property.  Furthermore, the previous practice did not encourage homeowners to remedy situations which attract skunks to their premises.  

In summary, it is suggested that the removal of skunks, raccoons, etc. is best addressed by contacting a private pest control company or someone who has the expertise and necessary licencing to re-locate or destroy the nuisance animal(s), however are at the cost of the homeowner.


Coyotes generally do not pose a danger to people, but can pose a danger for pets. They are active during the day and at night, particularly dusk and dawn, and help to control rodent and rabbit populations. Coyotes thrive in urban areas because of the abundance of food and shelter available. They do not hibernate and may be seen more often during winter months as they are not hidden by foliage. Coyotes will eat whatever food is available such as small mammals and birds, and improperly stored garbage.

 Remember these tips:

  • Never feed coyotes
  • Do not approach coyotes, their dens or their young
  • Do not touch coyotes, even if they appear tame, sick or injured
  • Keep your dog on a leash
  • If you see a coyote, do not run but make some noise to scare it away
  • Dispose of garbage and waste before leaving parks

If you see a coyote, and it poses a threat to life, call 911. To report a non-emergency Coyote sighting, please visit