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Municipal By-Law Enforcement

The Town of Goderich is committed to serve and protect the public and to provide a desirable standard of living for both residents and visitors. Municipal By-Law Enforcement Officers are responsible for enforcing matters such as parking enforcement, property standards, animal control services, and other regulations related to municipal By-Laws.

 Reporting a Complaint

 The Town of Goderich will accept complaints regarding alleged By-Law violations (in writing) in two ways:

  1. In person at Town Hall: 57 West Street, Goderich, ON from 8 AM to 4 PM (Mon-Fri)
  2. By completing an online By-Law Complaint Form

Incomplete forms, vexatious or spite complaints, and matters not related to municipal by-laws will not be investigated. Information received from a complainant will remain confidential, however, should a case proceed to Court, you may be required to attend as a witness.

For assistance in the complaint process, please contact Kimberley at or by phone at (519) 524-8344 ext. 222. 

By-Law 6-2024 By-Law Enforcement and Complaint Policy

 Animal Control Services

The Town of Goderich Strives for a safe and healthy environment for residents, animals and the public. Municipal Law Enforcement Officers are responsible for enforcing the animal control By-Law.

  • Calling the police regarding non-emergency wildlife issues is not recommended, only call 9-1-1 when there is an imminent threat to the health and safety.
  • Municipal Law Enforcement Officers may respond to situations where animal health concerns may be present. Municipal Law Enforcement is bound by legislation when dealing with furbearing animals (e.g., coyotes, foxes, bobcats, bears) and will not deal with such animals.
  • The best way to deter wildlife and nuisance animals from entering your property is by ensuring garbage and compost is placed in secure containers, do not intentionally feed birds or animals, and eliminate access to sites that could be used to house animals (e.g., openings under desks).

Report an Animal Control Concern
  • If you have a concern regarding an Animal Control offence that does not pose an imminent health or safety concern, please file a By-Law Complaint Form. Your concerns will be forwarded to a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer.
  • To report issues of animal cruelty, contact the Province of Ontario’s hotline at 1-833-926-4625 or visit animal-welfare

Dog Licences
  • If you need to license your new or existing dog, please fill out the Dog Tag Application Form and submit to Town Hall (57 West Street, Goderich, ON).
  • Dog tags must be purchased in-person before February 28th of each year, or an additional $20.00 late fee will be applied.
  • Licenses expire on the last day of each calendar year.
  • Please notify the Town of Goderich if you no longer have your dog.

Spayed or Neutered Dog - $20.00
Male or Female Dog - $45.00
Replacement Tag - $10.00
Late Fee - $20.00

 Parking Infractions

Voluntary Payment

Payment of parking infractions can be completed in two ways:

  1. Deliver in person to Town Hall at 57 West Street, Goderich, ON between 8 AM to 4 PM (Mon-Fri)

  2. Mail to 57 West Street, Goderich, ON, N7A 2K5


Dispute a Parking Infraction
  • Within 15 days of issuance of the Certificate of Parking Infraction, you must file a Notice of Intention to appear in Court. This can be don’t by attending Town Hall at 57 West Street, Goderich, ON during office hours between 8 AM to 4 PM(Mon-Fri).
  • If you have extenuating circumstances surrounding your parking infraction, please provide evidence of such circumstances and your contact information within 15 days. The circumstances will be reviewed by officers.

Unpaid Parking Infraction Certificates
  1. After the Certificate of Parking Infraction has been issued, you have 15 days to choose an option (payment or to dispute).
  2. Following the 15 days, you will receive a Notice of Impending Conviction (NIC) in the mail. The NIC has a due date on it, and is a reminder that your infraction has not been paid.
  3. If payment is not received by the date set out on the NIC, the Certificate of Parking Infraction is sent to the Provincial Offences Office (1 Courthouse Square, Goderich, ON) for collection. At this time, the Town of Goderich is no longer able to accept payment.
  4. Once the unpaid Certificate of Parking Infraction has been sent to the Provincial Offences Office, you will receive instructions from them regarding the next steps in the process.  

 Paid Parking

To keep our Waterfront clean and well-maintained, paid parking regulations are in effect from May 15th to October 15th between the hours of 9 AM to 5 PM


  • Hourly - $6.00
  • Daily - $30.00
  • Seasonal Pass - $65.00 (available at Town Hall – 57 West Street, Goderich, ON.)


Individuals who reside within the limits of the Town of Goderich are permitted to register two vehicles per municipal address. Residents can register their vehicles online via the Waterfront Parking Portal or by attending Town Hall at 57 West Street, Goderich, Ontario, between 8 AM and 4 PM (Mon-Fri). It is the responsibility of the permit holder to update their plate and vehicle information as required.


These by-laws are electronic copies made available for information purposes only and are not to be considered an official version of the by-law. Official copies or certified true copies of by-laws can be obtained by emailing the Clerk’s Office or by contacting by phone at (519) 524-8344 ext. 210.

  • Animal Control By-Law prohibits, regulates and licenses certain animals within the Town of Goderich.

  • Building By-Law governs matters relating to the construction or demolition of buildings in the Town of Goderich.

  • Cemetery By-Law governs the operation of the Maitland Cemetery.

  • Community Improvement Plan allows for certain financial incentives for businesses improving property in the Downtown Core.

  • Fee By-Law sets fees for various licenses and services provided by the Town of Goderich.

  • Fence By-Law regulates the erection of fences in Goderich.

  • Hawkers and Peddlers By-Law regulates the activities of hawkers and peddlers in the Town of Goderich.

  • Lawn Watering Restrictions By-Law regulates lawn watering during summer months.

  • Municipal Parks for General Public Use is for the benefit and pleasure of all persons who shall be subject to the rules and regulations.

  • Noise By-Law regulates acceptable levels of noise allowed in Goderich.

  • Open Burning By-Law regulates open air fires in the Town of Goderich.

  • Outdoor Cafe By-Law regulates the establishment of outdoor cafes in downtown Goderich.

  • Parking By-Law regulates parking on public streets throughout Goderich. Please be advised that By-Law No. 20 of 1989 prohibits parking on any street in the Town of Goderich between the hours of 2 AM and 7 AM from November 15th to March 15th inclusive. It is an offence under the Highway Traffic Act to push snow onto any roadway. Snow must be placed on your own property, not on neighbouring properties or pushed onto or across the street.

  • Parking (North Harbour) By-Law regulates parking on North Harbour Road. Please refer to map with By-Law.

  • Pedicabs and Rickshaws By-Law governs the operation of pedicab and rickshaw businesses in Goderich.

  • Procedural By-Law regulates the conduct and operation of Council and Committee Meetings.

  • Property Standards By-Law sets requirements for the upkeep of property in Goderich.

  • Sign By-Law regulates the erection of signs in Goderich. The Town of Goderich has a sign by-law to regulate all signs and advertising devices. Permits very by location and zone. Before you erect a sign or place an advertising device, check with the Town's Building Department 519-524-8344 Ext. 222.

  • Smoking By-Law prohibits smoking in Victoria Park.

  • Snow Removal By-Law sets standards regarding the removal and storage of snow during winter months. Please be advised that By-Law No. 20 of 1989 prohibits parking on any street in the Town of Goderich between the hours of 2 AM and 7 AM from November 15th to March 15th inclusive. It is an offence under the Highway Traffic Act to push snow onto any roadway. Snow must be placed on your own property, not on neighbouring properties or pushed onto or across the street.

  • Taxi By-Law regulates the operation of taxi companies in Goderich.

  • Tree Removal By-Law governs the removal of trees within Goderich.

  • Water Works Utility By-Law regulates the Water Works Utility. Please refer to Schedule I of the Fee By-Law for current water rates. *Schedules are subject to a Consumer Price Index (CPI) Increase in January, annually.

  • Zoning By-Law governs land use in the Town of Goderich.