For information on Curbside Collection, Bulk, Construction & Hazardous Waste, Collection Schedule, or Reports and Other Resources, click on the below buttons:
Waste and Organics
In April 2024, Goderich successfully transitioned to producer responsibility for residential curbside recycling. Bluewater Recycling Association (BRA) remains the collector, so residents will see no change in their service. This shift supports Ontario's goal to reduce waste and promote sustainability.
For information regarding recycling schedules, frequently asked questions, or contact information, please visit BRA - Town of Goderich
More information about the Extended Producer Responsibility Programs for recycling can be found here: https://www.ontario.ca/page/producer-responsibility-ontarios-waste-diversion-programs.
Missed Waste and/or Organic Collection?
Call Waste Management customer service line at 1-888-730-3344
Missed Recycling Collection?
Call Bluewater Recycling Association (BRA) at 1-800-265-9799 ext.228
or visit BRA - Town of Goderich
Use the below search tool or download the Recycling Coach app on your smartphone to access collection schedules, receive reminder notifications, or help answer questions about what items go where.