Budget and Finance
The municipal budget is a policy and planning document that sets the Town's priorities and level of service. In setting the annual budget, and thereby arriving at the municipal tax rate, the Town determines all anticipated expenses, deducts the revenue it expects to receive, and arrives at an amount to be raised from property taxation. This amount is divided by total property assessment to arrive at a property tax rate.
2025 BUDGET | 2024 BUDGET | 2023 BUDGET |
Capital Projects Summary Draft
Operating Expenses and Funding Report
General Revenue Support of Operating Expenses
Residential Consolidated Tax Bill Impact
Audited Financial Statements of the Town of Goderich are available upon request at Town Hall, at no cost to any taxpayer or resident of the Town of Goderich.
Property Taxes
View your property tax bill on-line!
You will be required to provide your property's roll number and account PIN located on your tax bill to create an account.
Assessment Information |
The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) is responsible for placing a value on all properties in Ontario. For property assessment information, ratepayers may contact the MPAC office at 1-866-296-6722 or online using the following link: |
How do I pay my property tax bill? |
The Town of Goderich offers five convenient payment options: Pre-authorized Payment Plans
The plan will consist of 11 monthly payments being January to November of each year. The The taxpayer may cancel from this plan upon written notice 10 days prior to an installment being The Town of Goderich may cancel a taxpayer from this payment plan if the bank dishonours 2 Any additional bills issued due to improvements to property, new structures etc. will be billed You will continue to receive the interim and final tax bill during the year. These bills are for If you have a change in your financial information or wish to cancel your existing tax pre-authorized payment plan, please complete and submit the change/cancel pre-authorization form to the Town of Goderich tax department.
At a Bank Taxes may be paid at any branch of a chartered bank or financial institution in the Town of Goderich. The Town of Goderich is not responsible for any service charge that financial institutions apply due to property tax payments made at financial institutions.
By Mail Town of Goderich
By Telephone or Internet Banking Check with your financial institution to register for telephone or internet banking. Your roll number is the account number required. Financial institutions vary in the amount of numbers they require for an account number. You may remove the first 4 numbers (4028) and/or the last 4 numbers (0000) if needed.
In Person The Town Hall, 57 West Street, Goderich Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. You may deposit a cheque in the mailbox located to the left of the front doors. Absolutely no cash payments in the mailbox. Please call the Property Tax Department at 519-524-8344 ext. 213 if you require further information. |
Tax Rates |
The property tax rates on this site are provided as a convenience to ratepayers and the Town does not guarantee the accuracy of this information. These rates do not include garbage fees, etc.
Due Dates |
The 2025 Interim tax bills will be mailed out by the end of February and will be payable in two installments:
The 2025 Final tax bills will be mailed out by mid August and are payable in two installments:
Failure to receive a tax bill does not relieve the taxpayer from payment of taxes nor from liability of penalty for late payment. The Municipality is not responsible for taxpayers paying taxes on wrong properties. If a tax bill for the wrong property is received, please return it to the Town Hall immediately. |
Penalties and Interest |
To avoid penalty and interest charges payment must be received in our office on or before the due date. There shall be imposed on all taxes a penalty for non-payment or late payment of taxes in default of the installment dates. The penalty shall be one and one-quarter percent (1 ¼%) of the amount in default on the first day of default. There shall be imposed interest charges on all taxes due and unpaid according to the installment dates. The interest charges shall be one and one-quarter percent (1 ¼%) of the amount in default on the first day of each calendar month during which default continues. Interest shall be calculated as simple interest and not accumulative. |
Other Fees |
The Town of Goderich charges the following fees:
What if there is a change in ownership or mailing address? |
If a property tax bill is received for a property that has been sold, please return the tax bill to the Town of Goderich, 57 West Street, Goderich, ON N7A 2K5 with a note stating the reason for the return of the bill.
If you have recently purchased a property in the Town of Goderich and have not received a tax bill, please contact the office at (519)524-8344 ext. 213.
If a property owner has a change in mailing address, please complete and submit the Mailing Address Change Form to the Town of Goderich using one of the following options: By mail to: Town of Goderich, 57 West Street, Goderich, ON N7A 2K5 By fax to: (519)524-7209 By email to:
When you buy a property, check with your lawyer or our tax department to confirm when the next payment is due on your property taxes. Failure to receive a tax bill due to a recent sale or a change in address, does not relieve the taxpayer from payment nor from liability of penalty/interest for late payments. |
What is a supplementary tax bill? |
A supplementary tax bill is a bill issued by the Town of Goderich and reflects any additions or improvements made to a property.
Owners of new construction, residential or commercial, will receive a land only tax bill until such time as the "bricks and mortar" are assessed. MPAC will supply the municipality with the new assessment information and the supplementary tax bill will be issued and is effective from the date of occupancy.
It can take up to two years for a property to be assessed. Supplementary billings can occur anytime during the year and taxes for the time period from when occupancy was granted to when the assessment information is received by the Municipality would be billed all within the same year and come due at the same time. For this reason, you are encouraged to start setting aside funds immediately following your purchase and start of construction for the future supplementary tax bills. If the subject property is on a pre-authorized payment plan, please be advised that supplemental bills would not be included in the automatic withdrawls. Please pay the supplemental bills separately or contact the Town Hall to discuss other options.
In an effort to avoid a delay in the new assessment of your property, you may contact the MPAC office at 1-866-296-6722 to request an inspection of your property. |
Charity Rebate |
If you are a registered Charitable or Non Profit Organization under the provisions of the Canada Income Tax Act subsection 248(1) and own or lease space in a building that is assessed as commercial and/or industrial, you may be eligible for a rebate in property taxes for the current taxation year. |
Application for Appeal under Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act |
A property owner may apply for a change in assessment under Section 357 or 358 of the Municipal Act for any of the following events:
Please complete the form and submit to Goderich Town Hall. Completed forms must be received by the Municipality no later than February 28th of the year following the taxation year to which the application relates. |
Tax Sales |
The Town of Goderich, as permitted by the Municipal At, 2001, may sell a property to recover taxes once the taxes are two years in arrears. The Town of Goderich will advertise all tax sale properties on this page and in the local newspaper.
Visit Ontario Tax Sales website for tax sale information.