The Town of Goderich provides land use planning services in conjunction with the County of Huron Planning and Development Department. The planning department administers the Town of Goderich Official Plan and comprehensive zoning by-laws.
The Town's Zoning By-law sets out permitted uses, setbacks, and other regulations about how properties are used and buildings are constructed on lands in the Town of Goderich.
If a proposed use or structure on a property does not meet the requirements of the Zoning By-law, the owner may apply for a Zoning By-law amendment, also known as a 'rezoning'. A proposed zoning change must conform to the Official Plan, or an Official Plan amendment may also be required. The application form and a guide to the Zoning By-law amendment process are available on the County of Huron website. There is an application fee for rezoning applications.
The decision to approval or deny a Zoning By-law Amendment is made by the local Municipal Council. Section 34 of the Planning Act sets out the process and requirements for Zoning By-law amendment applications.